Fundão offers various training opportunities facilitated by the team responsible for the Training Grant, organised by the Institute of Employment and Profissional Training (IEFP) through the Professional Insertion Office (GIP). This dedicated team is here to assist you in discovering new ways to enhance your knowledge and empower you professionally. For additional information, contact us via email at
The IEFP and the GIP operate the Qualifica Centre, which coordinates adult professional training tailored to the region's characteristics. This centre, located in Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão (AEF), is instrumental in recognising, validating, and certifying skills that guarantee qualification in the job market.
Furthermore, the Municipality of Fundão, the University of Beira Interior in Covilhã, and the University of Salamanca collaborate. Together, they've established the international degree program "Migrations and Interculturality," which aims to train specialised professionals in migration processes.