Job Market

Fundão has a dedicated platform, the Job Exchange, regularly updated with a comprehensive range of job opportunities tailored to your needs. Our team is committed to integrating you into the workforce and fostering entrepreneurship.

Looking for a Job

In Fundão, our Job Exchange team consolidates information from various sources, including the Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP), the  Professional Insertion Office (GIP), and listings from the Municipality of Fundão, which gathers offers from local businesses and public institutions. This team will assist you in finding suitable employment, providing favourable working conditions, and promoting financial stability. For further information, contact us via email at

What is an employment contract? 

An employment contract is a formal agreement wherein an individual agrees to provide services to another party in exchange for compensation. In this document, a natural person agrees to perform tasks within the framework of an organization under the direction and authority of others. Employment contracts typically come in two forms: 

  • Independent employment is when an individual performs professional activities autonomously without being subject to the authority of others. They assume full responsibility for their work and the associated risks and have the autonomy to define the terms and conditions of their professional activity.

  • Subordinate employment is when an individual works for someone else, typically an employer. They perform tasks under the direction and control of the employer, who assumes the risks associated with the work. 

What types of employment contracts are there?    

  • Fixed-term: specifies a specific end date or period of validity.

  • Unfixed-term contract: dependent on a future event, with no predetermined end date.

  • An open-ended or "permanent" contract begins with a defined start date for employment.​  

How does an employment contract end? 

Upon termination of the employment contract, the following documents must be given to the employee:

  • Work certificate indicating dates of admission and termination, along with positions held (additional references may be included upon the worker's request).

  • Documents required for official purposes, such as those for Social Security, upon request by the worker. 

What is termination for cause? 

Termination for cause occurs when the employer initiates termination due to the severity and immediate impact of the worker's culpable behaviour on maintaining the employment relationship. For more information, click here

What if there is an undue situation at work?

You can file a complaint through the Working Conditions Authority (ACT).


The Investment and Innovation division within the municipal area is committed to assisting aspiring entrepreneurs in various aspects, such as company creation and business development. Leveraging their knowledge of the local business landscape and territory, the team responsible for this department offers support in drafting business plans tailored to your idea. They also provide insights into available resources, assistance, and facilities for regional investors and entrepreneurs. For further information, please email us at

What is #movetofundão?

It is an initiative of the Municipality of Fundão encompassing two primary components: support structures and services for startups (incubation, acceleration, prototyping, advisory, etc.) and an investment network facilitating access to equipment, services, networking opportunities, and research. This initiative aims to nurture developing business ideas and existing ventures, irrespective of their complexity or financial investment value. For more information, click here.      

What is a green receipt? 

A "green receipt" is associated with independent workers who operate without a formal hierarchical structure. Instead, they have the autonomy to perform the tasks they are hired for. The relationship between the worker and their client is based on service provision. Those intending to issue green receipts must first register their activity with the Tax Authority. For more information, click here.

What is a company on the spot? 

A "company on the spot" is a service provided by the Institute of Registration and Notary Affairs (IRN), a public entity aimed at streamlining bureaucracy and simplifying the creation of limited companies. This service is accessible to anyone; one can initiate the company registration process seamlessly by visiting one of the institution's reception desks. For more information, click here.








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