Citizenship and Active Participation

Civil society, political management and community.


Associations are essential platforms for social groups to amplify their voices, advocate for their rights, and collaborate towards shared goals in pursuing equal opportunities. For migrant citizens, associations also play a crucial role in affirming ethnic-cultural identities and facilitating integration into the host country. These organisations are founded on active participation, advocacy for social justice, and fostering cooperation among members. They engage in activities that promote awareness, provide information, encourage participation, and catalyse activism to ensure the protection and enforcement of rights.   

How can you create an association in Portugal? 

Any individual or collective entity can use the service Associações na Hora to create an association in Portugal. For more information, click here


Volunteering encompasses individual or collective actions where volunteers exercise citizenship to address societal issues. It involves diverse cultural, recreational, sporting, and educational activities. Additionally, volunteering serves as a crucial mechanism for participation and integration, facilitating engagement with community activities and fostering connections among residents.

Fundão has a Volunteer Exchange platform where individuals can register as volunteers or seek assistance from registered volunteers. For more information, click here.

Political System

How Does the Political System Work in Portugal?

Portugal is a democracy with four sovereign bodies: the President, the Parliament, the Government, and the Courts. For more information, click here

What types of elections are held in Portugal?

In Portugal, there are five types of elections: legislative, presidential, municipal, regional legislative (only in the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores), and European. For more information, click here

How Can I Vote in Portugal?

Refer to the following section for information on your voting rights and responsibilities.

Useful Links

Explore additional information about political parties in Portugal.

Portuguese Political Parties

Voting Eligibility in Portugal

I live in Portugal, and I am a foreigner. Can I vote in the elections? 

All Portuguese citizens and citizens of the following countries can vote in elections for local authority bodies if they are registered in the national census: 

  • Member States of the European Union: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, and Sweden.

  • Brazil and Cape Verde.

  • Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. 

To be eligible to vote, individuals must meet one of the following conditions:​  

  • Citizens of Member States of the European Union can vote if they legally enjoy the same rights as Portuguese citizens in their State of origin.

  • Citizens of Portuguese-speaking countries can vote if they have had legal residence for more than two years in Portugal and if Portuguese citizens legally enjoy the same rights in their respective State of origin.

  • Citizens with legal residence in Portugal for more than three years can vote if they are nationals of countries that, under conditions of reciprocity, grant active electoral capacity to Portuguese residents there. 

In elections for the European Parliament, citizens of the European Union who are not nationals of Portugal but are registered in Portugal have the right to vote. They can choose to elect deputies either from their own country or from Portugal. 

As a foreigner, am I allowed to join a Portuguese political party? 

Foreigners are generally permitted to register with political parties in Portugal, provided they have political rights. 

How can I register for electoral participation? 

To register, visit the Census Commission (CR) at the parish council corresponding to your residence as indicated on your valid residence permit. The registration period is continuous, except for the 60 days preceding each election until its completion. 

Active Participation

How can I get involved in Fundão?

The Municipality of Fundão hosts regular public meetings in "Salão Nobre" of the Town Hall Building twice a month, on a fortnightly basis. For more information, you can contact us via email at

Additionally, the municipality offers the Participatory Budget Initiative, allowing citizens to contribute to the management of the town. If you are between 14 and 30 years old, you can also participate in OPJovem.

Useful Links

Find out more about national active participation:
Citizens' Legislative Initiative
Right to petition
Youth Parliament
Public Consultation










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