Fundão, Embracing Place

Fundão Migration Center will have 24 more rooms

The Fundão Migration Center was approved for an application to the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (FAMI) for the requalification of a new wing of its headquarters, with an additional 24 rooms.

According to TV Centro, which cites the Lusa agency, this is an investment of 634 thousand euros, with 75% reimbursed funds from the Europe Union, and will allow it to accommodate around 35 more migrants in 24 rooms.

The area that will be redeveloped under FAMI is, according to the councilwoman responsible for social action, “very degraded” and this intervention will allow more people to be housed in the Migration Center. The execution period is 240 days, with the period for submitting proposals running until December 18th. The municipality hopes that the work can be awarded by the end of the year. Around 250 migrants currently reside in the former Fundão seminary. 70 nationalities reside in the municipality and the aim is to continue receiving migrants, says the councilowoman quoted by the regional television channel, “to make the territory more competitive”, taking into account the high aging rate.

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