Fundão, Embracing Place

World Migration Day: Diversity is also identity

Fundão has people from more than 70 countries living in its territory. To celebrate this diversity, several initiatives were included in the commemoration program of World Migration Day

Afghan bread, Indian samosas, Brazilian dumplings and other flavors of the world at the "Mercadinho de Natal-Sabores d'Aqui e d'Acolá"  in Fundão, on a lively Sunday afternoon in the countdown to Christmas. 

This market open until December 23 has multicultural products, handicrafts, plastic arts and gastronomy from various parts of the world, representing the diversity of Fundão's migrant communities. It was also here that he spent the party to mark World Migration Day. To bring together migrant communities and the local community, sharing flavors of the world, handicrafts, art, sharing the same land in the host land that Fundão has become in recent years.

It was precisely to promote this cohesion and union between the local community and the foreign citizens who currently live in the municipality of Fundão that the Fundão Migration Center in partnership with the Municipality and the MatrizE9G project developed a complete program of celebrations to mark World Migration Day, which was celebrated on December 18th:  "We are a land of diaspora, we are a land of emigration and a crossing zone, between North and South, of transhumance of shepherds. We are a land of welcome. We have people from more than 70 countries who have chosen our land to live or who have found a haven here. This creates responsibilities as well as challenges. The challenge of welcoming, integrating and creating bonds between the local community and the migrant community we are receiving. ", explained the Mayor of Fundão, Paulo Fernandes, at the presentation session of the book "Inventory of Crossings", one of the initiatives that was part of the commemoration program 

Knowing and sharing are the best ways to overcome prejudices and bring people together. The role of local associations is fundamental to facilitate rapprochement and tear down walls. That is why this commemoration program had the collaboration and participation of associations such as the Gardunha Walkers, the Gardunha Film Club or the E9G Matrix project. Walks, exhibitions, book presentations, film screenings, and a multicultural Christmas market enlivened and brought together people of all ages and different cultures to celebrate diversity.

Fundão, Embracing Place

Projeto acolhido no Centro para as Migrações do Fundão vence o Concurso “Promove”

Fundão, Embracing Place

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Fundão, Embracing Place

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