Fundão, Embracing Place

More Integration Academy

In October 2023, a partnership was signed at the Fundão Migration Center between the Municipality of Fundão, the University of Beira Interior (UBI) and the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE) with the aim of creating an advanced training center that will offer specialization and requalification training for professionals in the areas of migration and interculturality. The initiative called "Academia Mais Integração" (which translates to More Integration Academy) will carry out training at the Fundão Migration Center, with the first training sessions expected to start in March 2024. The target audience is public administration employees and organizations that carry out work in this field. This initiative benefits from the fact that trainees can participate in training (which has UBI and ISCTE as training entities) in a real work context given the location of the training.

This initiative will invariably have a great influence on the functioning of the Municipality's Reception and Integration Area as trainees can contribute with the experiences they bring from their municipalities or organizations to improve the Municipality's local policies regarding this matter.

Fundão, Embracing Place

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