Projects of the Migration Centre of Fundão (CPMF)

The Migration Centre of Fundão (CPMF), located in the Former Seminary, develops several projects with the migrant community.

CASA F - Refugee Reception (PT/2019/FAMI/461)

The Casa F plan, managed by the technical team of the Office for Inclusion and Cultural Diversity (GID) developing activity at the Fundão Migration Center, aims to welcome, integrate and empower refugees, ensuring basic needs such as such as accommodation, adequate food, health support, education and professional training, learning the Portuguese language and culture and helping adults integrate into the labor market.

Thus, the activity of this plan seeks to enhance integration, through technical support, legal support, health (medication, specialty consultations not covered by the SNS or urgent), professional training, translation and interpretation services and, the key point, manage the equipment of the Fundão Migration Center building (which is the reception site) to provide the greatest dignity in the embracing of newcomers.

MixIN 2 - Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants (PT/2020/FAMI/604)

The MIXin2 Plan, like its predecessor, is put into practice at the Fundão Migration Center, with management and execution carried out by the technical team of the GID – Office for Inclusion and Cultural Diversity of the Fundão City Council - and its main objective is the development of reception, integration and empowerment activities aimed at the local community and the migrant community (new locals) in order to promote a conscious and coordinated management of cultural diversity that encourages the integration of migrants, intercultural dialogue, cooperation and solidarity. To consult the full and detailed MIXin2 plan, click here.

Attraction and Integration of Third Country Nationals (TCN) in Fundão (FAMI)

Facilitate regular migration through dissemination and communication in TCNs' countries of origin. This includes promoting knowledge, easing mobility, providing reception and training, and facilitating integration processes into the job market and the community of Fundão.

Fundão ACOLHE - Training Centre for TCNs in Fundão (FAMI)

It aims to attract new residents to territories with low population density by increasing the supply of qualified labour essential for the business sector of an entire region.

PECI - Strategic Plan for Cohesion and Integration

Preparation of a Strategic Plan for Migration under the Strategic Plan for Municipal Development.

MEET - Exchange of experiences on mentoring migrants (EPIM)

Recording of a hip hop CD between Fidelis Egga Usman and the local artist Filipe Nuno Santareno.

Fundão MEDEIA - Intercultural Municipal Mediators (POISE)

Development of activities at the local level that aim to improve the quality of life of migrant and gypsy communities and their coexistence in the community in general.

ON WHEELS – Migration Centre (PT/2021/FAMI/752)

The "On Wheels - Migration Centre" results from the Municipality of Fundão's application for funding from the Fund for Asylum, Migration, and Integration (FAMI). This service operates across the parishes of the municipality, bridging the gap between the migrant population and essential services during the integration process. Additionally, the project is supported by a team of three mediators who enhance and facilitate the relationship between the service and the migrant community, thus ensuring effective and tailored responses. The initiative provides proximity support to migrants across the municipality, addressing bureaucratic areas, accommodation, education, training, employment, and health, and promoting inclusive and participatory citizenship. It establishes connections between migrant communities and municipal services through proximity support and the collaborative efforts of the mediators.

Integrar Valoriza - Pilot Network

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 91/2021

CLAIM - Local Support Centre for Migrant Integration (PT/2021/FAMI/752)

This project aims to help the managing of CLAIM.

CLAIM assist migrants by addressing their questions about the reception and integration process through relevant information sourced from the collaboration with the National Immigrant Information System. The service, provided by a dedicated technician, offers migrants information leaflets summarizing key points, including Immigration Law, Portuguese Nationality Law, Family Reunification, Voluntary Return, Access to Health, and Education, among others. This public service operates in the former Casino Fundanense in Praça do Município.

MigrAÇÃO (PT/2022/FAMI/942)

The MigrAÇÃO Project intends to continue the work developed within the scope of active community participation, regarding the reception and integration of from third countries nationals (TCNs), ensuring a multilevel integration of current and new TCNs, who arrive in Fundão.

Fundão Embracing Place - Ukraine and Afghanistan (PT/2022/FAMI/846)

The “Fundão, Embracing Place – Ukraine and Afghanistan” plan operates in the same way as the Casa F plan (described above), distinguishing itself by being aimed exclusively at applicants for international protection from Afghanistan and Ukraine.

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