Fundão, Embracing Place

Local Pact for Migration

The Municipality of Fundão presented in Geneva at a World Meeting for Migration the proposal for the creation of a Local Pact for Migration. According to Paulo Fernandes, Mayor of Fundão, this initiative aims to create a fixed and integrated response to migratory flows in Europe: "The response to the problem of migration is one of the challenges of European policy in the coming years. But there will never be an effective response if we don't work through the various problems and challenges at different scales. The scale of concrete action on integration and social cohesion can only be given at local level. It is here, together with the various institutions, with associations, with companies, but above all with citizens and communities that we can find the best way to frame and receive the migratory flows that will not stop in the coming years." 

For the mayor of Fundão, it doesn't make much sense to divide into blocs or pro-immigration and anti-immigration speeches: "it's a bit like discussing whether the earth is round or flat. Migration to Europe is inevitable and necessary, and multilateral responses will need to be translated locally, in our cities, towns and villages, in our neighbourhoods, in our schools and health systems. That is why we need an instrument that allows local authorities to have capable responses to receive immigrants. Hence our proposal for the creation of a Local Pact for Migration."

Fundão, Embracing Place

Fundão, a paradigmatic example.

Fundão, Embracing Place

3ª edição do Dia dos Vizinhos

Fundão, Embracing Place

3ª edição do Lanche Multicultural

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