Fundão, Embracing Place

Municipality of Fundão participates in the European Funds Exhibition

From December 10 to 12, 2024, the European Funds Exhibition took place at Alfândega do Porto, with the aim of presenting the various Funds that exist as well as presenting projects in progress financed by them. It is in this context that the Municipality of Fundão participated. During the event, Fundão took part in the Project Pitch and was represented with a stand dedicated to the CasaF2 Project – Refugee Reception (AMIF 2030 – AMIF 0039900), which reflects the commitment of the municipality of Fundão to welcoming, integrating and autonomizing refugees.

At the Project Pitch, the Municipality presented the AMIF 2030 (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) and PESSOAS 2030 initiatives, which highlight its active role in promoting inclusive policies and sustainable development in the region. These interventions highlighted the importance of innovative and collaborative strategies to respond to the challenges of social cohesion and diversity management.

The Municipality of Fundão was also present with a stand for the CasaF2 Project - Refugees Reception (AMIF 2030 - AMIF 0039900), reaffirming its commitment to the effective application of European funds and contributing to sustainable development, social innovation and territorial cohesion.

Fundão, Embracing Place

Fundão is one of the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity

Fundão, Embracing Place

2ª Edição do Curso de Especialização em Migrações e Desafios da Integração

Fundão, Embracing Place

Launch of the Podcast “Conversas a Propósito”

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