Fundão, Embracing Place

"Cada manhã há um novo ser" (“Every morning there is a new being”) in the municipal library of Fundão

The exhibition “Every Morning There is a New Being” was inaugurated this Wednesday, December 18, at the Eugénio de Andrade municipal library, in Fundão, marking the International Day of Migration. Inspired by the verse of Kumi, an Afghan refugee poet, the exhibition brings together 30 photographs that portray the cultural and artistic activities carried out at the Center for Migration, highlighting the transformative power of art, and not only, in the integration of migrants and refugees.

Fundão, Embracing Place

II Feira de Emprego e Formação do Fundão, “WorkForAll”

Fundão, Embracing Place

2nd Session of the II Cycle of Webinars on Portuguese Language Learning brings together 505 participants

Fundão, Embracing Place

Refugees in Fundão: Far from the Sound of Bombs and Sirens

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